Monday, February 23, 2009

Its on Bitches!

So the Pens played the Caps the other night, and Crosby and Ovechkin kind of got into it:

TSN is right! This is what we've all been waiting for. Thus far, the two have been cordial, complementing each other, posing and smiling with each other when the occasion calls for it but NOW? Oh homies, its on!

Love this, LOVE IT! This is what the NHL needs, a little drama, a bitch fight for the ages, and who will come out on top...oh I think you might know my answer.

Who is the best player in the world right now? Who is the most exciting hockey player in recent memory? Who is the better dresser of the two?

If you're thinking Crosby, please!

Remove your bias people, and see the light, you know its Ovechkin!


Need more convincing?

Who is currently in the playoffs right now? Who's currently sitting in SECOND place in the Eastern Conference? Who gets to see Brooks Laich naked on a regular basis, that fact alone should win y'all over!

I'm a fan of both players, and I'm not going to hate on one just because I like the other BUT facts are facts,and Ovechkin is king, deal with it!

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