Monday, March 30, 2009

What is this Fuckery?

Last night Blackhawks vs Canucks. Playoff preview, right? Oh God, I hope not:

What the fuck?

Hitting the goalie in the head like that! Giving a wedgies! Pulling of hair! Ripping off your opponents equipment AND his underarmour!


It was just complete pandemonium! There weren't enough refs! Every time they'd try to break up one fight, 2 others would start, not only that but when the refs were between them USUALLY they'd stop and skate off to their benches but not this brawl, they were still throwing punches while the refs were between them AND the refs had to escort them back to the bench to make sure another fight wouldn't start.

What kind of shit is this?

...and I'm talking to you Chicago! This is not how you answer your opponents when you're down 4-0, this is not how you constructively express your frustrations. How about some goals, boys? 'cause this is how its going to be in the playoffs, and the Canucks just showed you that they've got skill and fierceness, what do you have? a bunch of immature whiny bitches?

Sorry that just doesn't cut it in the NHL playoffs.

Don't worry we won't compare you to the Penguins, whom you very much parallel (both young teams, Crosby/Malkin & Towes/Kane) because, the Pens were disciplined, the Pens were a cohesive unit, the Pens had Gary Roberts, and you? Well it seems that your youth and inexperience got the best of you...but we're not comparing

Looks like Van City's got the edge in this match-up. I mean, on home ice, an all out brawl AND a penalty shot and not a single goal? I suppose its not as close as I thought it was going to be...Oh Chigaco

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