Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Called It!

So its official! With Montreal winning last night and Ottawa losing, the Ottawa Senators have been eliminated from the Stanley Cup Playoffs...Z!NG!

I knew this was going to happen. You knew this was going to happen. The Sens themselves knew this was going to happen. We all knew this was going to happen. But still I'm angry, are you angry?

I'm angry because this is a one line team. I'm angry because many players on this team think that their shit don't stink(Spezza). I'm angry because the coaching wasn't there. I'm angry because the goaltending was rubbish. But most of all I'm angry because everyone in this organization knew that there were serious problems with this team and with the coaching staff but they did fuck all about it.

Why? Well we can only speculate but my speculation is that they're trying to keep together, more or less, the players and the system that got them to the Stanley Cup finals in 2007 except that its not 2007 and that system only got them to the finals it didn't bring them the Cup so maybe its time for change, a radical change!

...maybe in the off season, which starts in two weeks, how sad.

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