Monday, January 26, 2009

A Rick Nash Picture Moment

Today's Theme: Rick At the 2009 All Star Game

Smile for the camera, bitches!

Doan:Hey Rick, I think our gloves make us look like storm troopers
Nash: You would think that!

Thornton: Storm Troopers you say?

Nash: Storm Troopers? Where'd he get Storm Troopers. I mean if I'm going to be anyone from the Star Wars universe its going to be Luke Skywalker! Lyke srsly...

Nash: and then he was like 'our gloves make us look like storm troopers'.
Getzlaf: Storm Troopers? Pffft, what's that all about? Where'd he get that from? It wasn't from me? 'Cause I've never even seen Star Wars. None of the six movies. or any of the novels. or books on tape. I know on facebook it says that I think George Lucas is a cinematic genius but that wasn't me it was...someone hacked...Correy Perry it was all Correy Perry!

Nash: I know right? Storm Troopers! I think its quite obvious that I'd be a Jedi Knight
Tkachuk: Jedi Knight? Girlfriend, please! Youse a padiwan!

Nash: I'll be a Jedi Knight someday, won't I?
Tkachuk: A Jedi Master you will be, my young apprentice

Nash: Evil Sith- I mean Evil East with not take puck!

Hejduk: Duuuuude that was hotter than Natalie Portman in The Clone Wars

Nash: must.use.jedi.powers.


Iggy: hmmmm which light sabre-I mean stick. I said stick! Which stick should I use, AHEM
Nash: suuuuure

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