Tuesday, December 02, 2008



Sean Avery runs his mouth...like all the fucking time! Sometimes its blaring obvious that the things he says, is just to get people all riled up. I don't like Avery (as you may or may not know). I understand his role but I don't agree with the lengths he goes to just to stir some shit up. But getting suspended indefinitely (pending a hearing) over his 'sloppy seconds' comment is a bit much. Its overkill. Its ridiculous. Its so ridiculous its ridonkulous!

He's said worse things in the past. Even though officially, his most heinous comments are ONLY allegations, and can't be confirmed, I'm throughly convinced he did say those things about George Laraque and he did say something about Jason Blake's Cancer. But that's just my own speculation.

More Speculation? The league, for some unknown reason, couldn't nail him for everything else he's pulled, but decided they should and would nail him for calling Elisha Cuthbert 'sloppy seconds'.

I just watched TSN and apparently, it crossed the line because it was distatesful, sexist, misogynistic, and premeditated. To be honest, as a girl, I don't find the term 'sloppy seconds' particularly sexist or misogynistic, to me 'sloppy seconds' is a term used when you want to make yourself feel better when an ex is dating someone else, it applies to males and females alike.

To analogize here: This is like giving a guy a speeding ticket because you couldn't nail him for murder.

Was the comment distasteful? Yes! Should he be reprimanded in some way? Yes! But should he be suspended indefinitely pending a hearing? Absolutely not!

Why now? Why this comment? When it pales in comparison for all of the other shit he spews. Does Dion have that kind of pull within the league? What? Because I really don't understand the logic on this one. My brain is totally hurting right now. I.just.can't.understand.

After all the shit storms Avery has caused, the NHL busts him for being a jealous prick?

Bitch, please!

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