Friday, December 05, 2008

Sean Avery, Karma's New Bitch


It seems that Avery's 'sloppy seconds' comment was the straw (in a long line of straws) that broke the camel's back, has been suspended for 6 games, and Dallas and the league alike have washed their hands of him.

I wish he could have been busted for a more serious offense than this but I'll take it, I suppose. Even though he's been suspended by the league for 6 games, it seems that his days in Dallas are numbered.

Quotes from his teammates c/o

-"We hope it's the last time we ever see him"

-"Our locker room is the happiest it has been all year right now"

-"An apology (to the team) won't work," says a third player. "There isn't much he can say to change the way we feel right now. We have a lot of pride in this organization. He isn't welcome here anymore."

-"He's been undermining everything we do," says the veteran. "He doesn't pay attention; he's not smart enough to play our system. He can't do some drills properly. He says it's because he's 'independent.' Really, he's just not smart enough."

The only one that went on record was nice guy Brad Richards, but he was more diplomatic about it:

"We don't want to talk about him anymore. Hopefully, it will be handled and that will be the end of it."

OUCH! Looks like the boys in Dallas would love to see him go and he probably will! I mean if you're on a team, your team is supposed back you up/defend you/support you no matter what and when your own teammates won't even glance at you let alone touch you with a 30ft pole, clearly there's something going on.

I think its safe to say he's done in Dallas, his teammates don't respect him (or like him), his coach won't support him, and apparently the league won't touch him. Word is, that Dallas wants to get rid of him but no one wants him, no one wants to go there, no one wants the cancer that is Sean Avery.

Ironic isn't it? The very same antics and bullshit that got him notoriety, fame, and a Vogue internship, is now sending him down shit creek. Funny how things come full circle, eh?


this may have been the catalyst for getting Avery out of the league, but he's still getting his paycheque and he's still getting all the media attention he craves, so maybe this is what he wants, to become a professional celebrity, saying stupid shit, pulling media stunts, maybe him and Paris Hilton are meant to be.

...Finally my dislike for Bret Hull is justified. He brought him to Dallas, despite a number of Stars being against it, he brought him anyway. Yep that's right, Brett Hull is responsible for the guy that has plagued a team that was on the verge of going to the Stanley Cup finals, now where are they? DEAD LAST in the Western Conference, and 28th overall just ahead of Tampa and Atlanta. Wow one player really can make a difference!

PS what's with all this talk that Sean Avery has mental issues? NO, he doesn't have any psychological issues, he's a prick! A straight up asshole, since when is that a mental illness?

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