Friday, December 05, 2008

Best Tracks of 2008 has a best of 2008 list. They have one for tracks, one for albums, and one for artists. Right now I'm only going to do one for tracks, I might do one for artists, but I highly doubt I'll do one for albums because I don't listen to music chronologically, I may discover an album I like from 1995 or 2003, that's just how I work.

So since's list sucks because it contains too much Coldplay (really guys, really?) I'm making my own with artists much more deserving of our admiration.

Lights And Music - Cut Copy

10) Lights and Music by Cut Copy

A great song to dance to with an indie flavour. Great bass line, great lyrics, great feel. This song picks me up every time.

Indie Rokkers - MGMT

9)Indie Rokkers by MGMT

Everyone else goes nuts over 'time to pretend' and 'electric feel' but this by far my favourite MGMT song and one of my favourites from 2008. The imagery in the song is epic and the hottest line ever to be written in a song "I like the line between your belly and your thighs, the smell of your hair, the sparkle in your eyes" If that doesn't say 'Love' then I don't know what does!

Untouchable - Girls Aloud

8)Untouchable by Girls Aloud

Since I'm a legitimate fan now, I'm allowed ok? This is a great dance pop track. Whatever your feelings on manufactured bands, you cannot deny that these girls can sing! This is one of my favourite's off of 'Out of Control'. Not only does it mention two of my favouritest things in the whole wide world (sharks and robots which automatically makes it awesome), its a very emotional song, sad and yet completely dancable

2 Out There On The Ice - Cut Copy

7)Out There on The Ice by Cut Copy

Another dancable sad song. I love the feel of this song 'if thats what it takes, then don't let it tear us apart, even if it breaks your heart' Oh the irony and the realism, isn't this what love's all about?

We Own The Sky (Maps Mix) - M83

6)We Own the Sky by M83

A-MAZ-ING! Whenever this song comes up on my ipod/itunes/player I have to stop whatever I'm doing and just listen. Its such a beautiful song. M83 has done it again!

Ghosts - Ladytron

5)Ghosts by Ladytron

One of my favourite songs off of their album I can't quite pronounce. Besides the quality of this song, I love it because I can relate to it, "There's a ghost in me that wants to say I'm sorry, doesn't mean I'm sorry" truer words have never been spoken! Its such a bitchy song,

Hearts on Fire - Cut Copy

4)Hearts on Fire by Cut Copy

Why can't they play this in the clubs? What I love about this song (and Cut Copy) is that they manage to merge indie, dance, and pop, three genres that before could not co-exist but now that they do, its nothing short of brilliant!

My People - The Presets

3)My People by The Presets

Reminiscent of The Faint but a little less punk and a little more indie. When I listen to this song I picture strobe lights, people trippin' on E, and sweat...lots of sweat. In other words a good time!

This Boys In Love - The Presets

2)This Boy's in Love by The Presets

And the second spot goes to The Presets. This song = slow mo dance fighting with sex at the end...and I soooo pictured this long before I saw the video. Plus this is totally what I want out of life: Riding out into the sunset in an audi R8 spider, with Jamie Dornan in the passenger seat "This town. This Street. Your Friends. You'll never see this place again. You'll think about it now and then. You'll never see our face again." Indeed!

1)Closer by Kings of Leon

Despite my feelings about the album, Closer is by far the best song on Only by the Night and possibly one of their best songs period. Caleb's voice is just...why couldn't the entire album sound like this? This is THE best song of 2008!

*Best of 2007

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