Monday, November 10, 2008

And its coming closer

I can't stop listening to Kings of Leon's Closer. I think its because its about mine and Caleb's separation and impending divorce.

...and is it ever breaking my heart!

But this is what he does guys. He breaks my heart and then he writes amazing songs to get me back and it ALWAYS works but will it this time? Can I forgive being groped by frat boys and home wrecking models? Can I forgive lame songs like 'Be somebody' (lame by KOL standards which by other people's standards would be amazing)?

What do I do? I have other responsibilities you know. Other husbands to psychotically fantasize over to take care of. Estates to manage. Designer purses to buy. Crystal to drink. I don't have time for this. For this back and forth of fighting, crying, fucking, fighting, crying, fucking, fighting, crying, restraining ordering. I don't know if I can do this anymore.

...who am I kidding, I'll never be rid of that dead beat. He may be drunk all the time, and cheat on me, and break promises but damn he's so pretty and such a tortured soul HOW CAN I RESIST???????

...but he's still in the dog house!

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