Monday, September 29, 2008

What is this Fuckery?

Now I'm not against cover songs at.all. In fact there are some cover songs I rather enjoy almost as much as the original. I love Johnny Cash's 'Hurt'! Ben Folds' reimagination of 'Bitches ain't Shit' is genius and Nouvelle Vague's...everything, is amazing! But King of the Rodeo? Done via big band, jazzy, female vocals? Uhhh I don't think so!

They all seem to be having a bitchin' time all up in that video, SO happy! BUT this version is just not working. The sound is good, the vocals are good, the instrumentals are good its just...well maybe I am a little biased, since king of the rodeo is one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands BUT its just not working here.

Am I wrong?

PS here's the original:

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