Monday, September 29, 2008


-Ovechkin-Boudreau 08? I'm all over that!
-Chris Clark totally was a nerd back when he was like 13/14 possibly even 15. Trust me I know these things!
-Brooks Laich, oh Brooks Laich. So handsome. So sexy. Gotta love the look on his face; he's excited, he doesn't know what's going on but he's excited. Am I the only one who noticed he was flirting with the camera? He knew I was going to watch that's why, heh...
-Backstrom is clearly having the time of his life, male modeling it up for the camera.
-Why is Jose Theodore there and not Mike Green? He's been on the Caps all of 5 minutes. Oh and he was touched my that incurable, highly contagious, bleeding from every orifice, disease. Ah shit, there goes their season...

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