Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome to Toronto, Dad!

My delinquent little brother, the Toronto Maple Leafs, blew a 2 goal lead the other night, of course the media wanted answers!

Why? How could this happen? How could this happen to the Toronto Maple Leafs who are going to make the playoffs, who are going to win the cup? they're going all the way, don't you know?

So my new Dad, Ron Wilson, gave a little reality check for the media, and I quote:

"we're not going to win the Stanley cup this season, how's that for news?"

Don't worry Dad this won't be the last of the 'asinine' questions hurled at you, just you wait till the season starts.

But I must say, compared to last year, with all that dead weight, those old relics, those broken promises, my little bro isn't doing too badly so far. They're actually playing decent all of them, not just Vesa Toskala.

I was right (as per usual it seems) all Toronto needed was some fresh blood to reboot things. Like my real brother said, Toronto's top line players, on any other team in the NHL would be 3rd liners at best, you know its bad when...

So now we've got a crop of new talent to look forward to. Moore looks promising, as does Schenn, and Earl's been carrying on what he did at the end of last season and that's playing good hockey.

I know its only preseason, and some of these dudes won't see much action in the NHL BUT at least they're not chilling in Sweden taking up cap space OR scoring on their own net! See guys things are looking up already!

However, we're still not winning the cup this season. The truth, it hurts!

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