Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hell Yes!


Kings of Leon are back my friends!!!!!!! They're new single Sex on Fire, is...well sex!

'You're sex is on fiiiiiiiiire'

I think its official guys, I've formally forgiven Caleb for this little stumble. Philandering with a no-name model will not shatter our love. We're stronger than this. And could you say no to a guy who wrote a song called 'sex on fire'? I think not. Oh Caleb Followill if you are my prince charming there must be something seriously wrong with me but I DON'T CARE WHAT NOBODY SAYS WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!

PS They're coming to Toronto on November 7th! I'm there! Front AND centre.

Le Roi est mort, vie les Roi de Léon!!!!!!!!!

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