Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Perfection vs Beauty and the Beast

Last night was the MET Costume Institute Gala, its pretty much a useless event if you're a regular person BUT if you're in the fashion industry or a ~*celebrity*~ its a magical night of high fashion and trying to kiss ass all the way to your very own Vogue cover. So who showed up?

Gisele and Tom:

UGH! The most perfect of perfect couples. He's ridiculously hot, she's ridiculously hot. Imagine their sex tape, EPIC!!!! They are made for each other and I love it! I love how you couldn't come up with a more perfect couple if you tried: an NFL ~*star*~ quarterback AND the highest paid supermodel, UGH PERFECTION!!!!!!!! Don't they look amazing together? Her bod is out of this world, wouldn't you agree? Love them together, I hope they get married, then all my dreams for them will come true.

and then Mike and Hilary showed up:

Hilary's a very pretty girl. She's been pretty savvy with her career, steering away from photographic evidence of scandal and drugs, made a fortune at a very young age but has remained very grounded and dedicated to her fans. But Hilary's downfall is that she has shitty taste in men. First she dated Aaron Cater...Aaron Carter, guys!!!!!!!! Then she moved on to douche bag Joel Madden who by all accounts is responsible for her new ~*sound*~. And now its Mike 'douche bag home wrecking' Comrie. Let's get this straight, none, I repeat NONE of these guys deserve/deserved Hilary. Where she's at and where they're all at its like entirely different leagues.

Comrie's a douche! He's got it all over his face. Left Edmonton because he slept with one of his fellow team mates wives (very classy), started dating Elisha Cuthbert while in Ottawa (take note Dion!). Ottawa eventually got rid of him because he never developed into the player that everyone thought he would be. I don't understand why she goes for the douche bags! I mean look at her, gorgeous girl and look at Comrie...do you find him attractive? Do you find that attractive??? Damn, girl if you weren't going for looks couldn't you have at least gone on talent???? Comrie's past his prime; probably signed that deal with the Islanders because no one else was knocking on his door.

*Oh Hilary, if it weren't for your poor choice in men, I'd totally love you but alas it was not meant to be

*it may seem unfair to not like a person based on who they date BUT Hilary is selling her relationship to us. How else would the paparazzi always find them during their tender moments? Why else would she walk the red carpet with him, when he could have easily gone through the back entrance? Why else would she openly talk about him and their relationship to the media? Why else would she sit front row at his hockey games, when all other hockey wives/gfs sit in the box way at the top? Hilary's no Christian Bale or Gwenyth Paltrow or Rachel McAdams who very rarely talk about their personal life. She's selling it guys: Mike & Hilary 4eva!! but I'm not buying!

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