Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pube 'stache!!!!!!!!

Sidney's facial hair is a little bit thicker than it was last year, but still, he ain't no Rick Nash *sigh*

...I know, I know, I shouldn't compare husbands because it raises conflict in an already high volatile environment (1 wife, 7 husbands, it does get messy) but I can't help it, I love hair on a man it shows that he's a man, ya know? Sidney has another year or so to go before he becomes a man.

work it,baby, work it!

Dany came home this morning and he was pretty down; naturally he would be, they didn't win a single game in the series, I've tried to console him but he's been drinking beer all day and muttering something about Ray Emery and John Paddock, I don't know what that's all about but Rick and I have been keeping our distance. It must be hard knowing that you are a good team, a better team, and yet you couldn't get it together for a single win. One thing's for sure, I'm stocking up on two-bite brownies, and Häagen-Dazs for the next few months...oh Dany :'(

but SIDNEY CROSBY'S ONE STEP CLOSER TO LORD STANLEY'S CUP!!!!!!! I'd be totally stoked if he won, it would be boring and expected but I'd be stoked nonetheless!!!!!!!

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