Monday, April 21, 2008

The Playoffs Thus Far

The Senators are OUT
The Devils are OUT
The Wild are OUT
The Ducks are OUT
The Predators are OUT

And Adriana kisses you goodbye:

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Who's next? I'm hoping its Boston, 'cause I really don't know what's up with Montreal, they are a much better team than Boston, they could easily dominate them and yet...methinks they want to win in front of their fans and if they don't, oh there will be blood on the streets of Montreal tonight; its do or die my friends, do or DIE!!!!!!

What about Washington? I'd love for them to win, it'd be so figgin' mind blowing BUT if we're being realistic (which we are!) then I have an inkling that Philly is going to take this series, :'( BOO!

And in the West: Calgary is going to take the series, why? because I really can't see Joe and the boys going any further, can you?

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