Over here at Death of a Trend I'm completely ridiculous, over the top, for the sole purpose of me re-reading my posts and laughing at them; its kind of like re-reading the diary you had when you were 12, except you wrote it 5 minutes ago and were not serious at.all. That is what Death of a Trend is all about; being completely ridiculous about anything and everything I want! And currently its been the NHL and its ~*stars*~.
I've gotten back into hockey because my social life has...well the slate has been wiped clean and I only have a very small group of friends now, so what to do when Jenny has to spend time with her bf on Saturday? WATCH HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA!!!!!!! Its not as pathetic as it sounds, promise! But now the sarcasm and the joking has taken a serious turn for the worst, I'm totally school girl crushing on Rick Nash...like for real!
I don't know if it has to do with the fact that he could just pop up in a bar somewhere downtown, because he lives here(OMG he lives here!!!!!!!!!) or what but I am totally crushing, and its kind of sad. But guys Rick is fine, he is SO fine! When you see him you get that ripple of giddiness spread across you and its like you're 12 again during summer vacation lookin' for summer love.
He seems like such a chill guy, CLEARLY I don't know him but he seems so laid back and easy going, like every guy I ever fell for in high school (and beyond apparently) AND he's smokin' hot, SO HOT! I love how he seems like a regular guy and is a little tubby, and isn't Mr. Olympia like Sidney Crosby, when looking at his thighs would only make you feel bad about yourself. With Rick it would be ok to drink a carb filled pint of beer, or pig out on nachos, or not go to the gym (errr which I haven't done for a week :S). PLUS he's awkward but not awkward as in socially inept (like some 1st overall draft picks) but awkward as in "I'm famous? WHAAAAAT?"
Guys its gotten so bad that every tall, brunette, white guy I see I'm like "OMG! IS that Rick Nash????" it friggin' hilarious!!!!!!
Unlike Christian Bale, who I will NEVER, EVER meet, Rick is real, Rick is here, Rick lives in my hometown so having a school girl crush isn't completely ridiculous...right? I'm lame I know...but its also kind of hilarious, non?
PS Don't worry Rick I wont' stalk you...but I still think you're dreamy
PPS He has a tatoo of a shark on his arm... A SHARK!!!!! Like OMG sharks are my favourite animals, we're like so totally ~*meant to be*~ LOL
PPPS I'm totally dying right now, this is too funny
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