Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Mike Modano's Piece Is Trying To Have A Career


I don't really get Willa Ford, do you?

She had that one song about being bad or something, dated Nick Carter for a while and then nothing...

that is until she started dating the dreamy Mike Modano, arguably one of the best American hockey players ever. In short she hit the jackpot. Somehow she worked her black magic and convinced Modano to marry her. So why does she need to go and have a career all of a sudden? Homegirl does not need to work! She doesn't have to pay for her weave, boob job, collagen injections, or her tacky Louis Vuitton bags, or whatever else puck bunnies like. Does she not grasp this concept of being a golddigger???

Sure she went on Dancing With The Stars, which for any z-list celebrity is a good way to get back into the public eye, even if is only for a short while. But darling, this is the best you could do??? a straight to the bargin-bin at wal-mart, DVD??? I hope you realize that you're not only embarassing yourself but Mike as well, can you imagine the locker room conversations over this shit...

AHAHAHAHA, oh Willa honey, you really have no clue!

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