Friday, March 07, 2008


Last night, my delinquent little brother, the Toronto Maple Leafs were in Boston murdering the Bruins...8-1, 8-1!?!?!?!?!??!?!??????


First of all, there is like zero chance of getting Steve Stamkos now. THANKS GUYS! Now next year's Leafs team will be exactly like this year's Leafs team: SHITTY! Do we in Toronto, not deserve a hockey team that's actually semi-good? I mean by all accounts we should be amazing based on the fact that Leafs Inc. is one of the richest in the league and that you need a six figure net-income just to get tickets, so srsly guys what's the deal?

Secondly, I love how they actually believe that they're making the playoffs...oh you guys! So cute! So naive! You're not making the playoffs! I mean, Columbus is making the playoffs, Washington is making the play offs, Minnesota is making the playoffs; but you, the Toronto Maple Leafs, an original six team, a hockey dynasty, you are not making the playoffs

...fuck I really should move to Montreal...or Ottawa at least

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