Thursday, March 13, 2008


Word on the street is Elisha Cuthbert AKA Sean Avery's ex AKA Mike Komisarek's rebound AKA The Girl Next Door is boinking Dion Phaneuf, and you know what? I kind of love it!


Well Dion deservers some good pootang; despite her unfortunate hair cuts and bfs, Elisha is a hot piece and I totally loved her before she became bff with that no talent skank; AND wasn't I just saying that the NHL tooootally gets shafted in terms of hot wives/girlfriends??? Even though, Elisha is not new to the puck bunny game, and by no means, even compares with the NBA/NFL/MLB wives/girlfriends(Gisele is a goddess in my books, there are few who can come close) least the NHL has a team now, ya know? And I'm pretty sure Elisha is their captain. Seriously, how many girls can say Justin Timberlake wrote a song about them?

"You spend your nights alone and he never comes home. And everytime you call him, all you get's a busy tone. I heard you found out that he's doing to you what you did to me, ain't that the way it goes. When you cheated, girl, my heart bleeded, girl. So it goes without saying that ya left me feeling hurt. Just a classic case scenario. Tale as old as time. Girl, you got what you deserved and now you want somebody to cure the lonely nights, you wish you had somebody that could come and make it right but girl, I ain't somebody I'm out of sympathy"

OH SNAP!!!!!

but can we really forgive her? She left JT's bff for Sean Avery...she dated Sean Avery for over two years...she boinked Sean Avery...and it was Sean Avery who broke up with her...she's also good [sapphic] friends with Paris Hilton; can we really trust her with our Dion? Does she deserve him? Can we overlook her transgressions for the betterment of the NHL a la Dion Phaneuf's personal life?

I want to love them! I want to love them so bad! They'd be so hot together, so damn hot! but can we know without a shadow of a doubt that Elisha will not infect Dion(and by extention the Western Conference) with the highly contagious, bleeding from every orifice Paris Hilton disease????

I don't know guys, I really don't know...

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