Saturday, March 01, 2008

Are you fucking kidding me???

Here's the trailer for Mike Meyer's latest movie The Love Guru:


wow SO many things wrong with this movie, where to begin.

1) The Toronto Maple Leafs, my delinquent little brother and the Stanley Cup? I mean there are delusions and then there's down right lunacy, this definitely falls under the latter category.

2) You can't make fun of Les Canadiens....only English Canada gets to do that (and vice versa)

3)Mike Meyers stopped being funny right around 2001...its 2008, need I say more?

4) If Jessica Alba makes out with Mike Meyers, ugh I'm blowing know I still get nightmares from him kissing Beyonce in Goldmember, EEESH!

5)The whole mini-me joke is old...real old! Like it stopped being funny 5 minutes into Austin Powers 2

6)How desperate is Mike Meyers, I mean, this is movie is the same girl different dress...actually, NOT EVEN, same girl, same dress but with lip gloss not lip stick!

7)OMG are those Justin Timberlake's pubes *drools* maybe I will see this movie - I MEAN EW GROSS, that's so gross...AHEM

8)Meghan Goode is faaaar too hot to be hockey wife...yea I went there! you know hockey players get shafted in everything, in comparison to other pro sports, so the quality of their wives is no different! I mean Tom Brady is dating Gisele Bundchen; Derek Jeter's boinked everyone from Jessica Biel to Jessica Alba; Tony Parker gets Eva Longoria...and what does the NHL get? Hilary Duff... hmmmm a Victoria Secert model or Disney Tween Queen, tough call!

9) LOVE how the featured NHL teams are L.A. and T.O. AKA two of the worst teams in the league

10)There is so much political incorrectness in this movie that I'm not even going to touch that!

I'll wait 3 years till it comes on CityTv then MAYBE I'll watch it.

PS do you think any players will make a cameo???? My money's on Rick Nash!

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