Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today is my boyfriend, Marc Staal's 21st birthday which means he can now get mad crunk legally in the US, woo hoo!

Although it seems that Marc is an expert when evading the authorities whilst drunk and underaged, because how is it that Eric and Jordan got busted for being drunk and disorderly, and Marc didn't? One thing's for sure, his mugshot would defo be the hottest! AND you guessed it, Marc has usurped Jordan's position of being my favourite Staal brother, how? One word: Personality! Apparently Ginge Staal Sr. is the trouble maker of the bunch...I so called that one!

Happy birthday Marc!!!!! Now when I come visit you, we no longer have to pay Scott Gomez to buy our booze, SCORE!

The first video you get to see Ginge Staal Sr. shirtless, hubba hubba, and his physique is a hell of a lot better than Jordan's

*Oh god I hope Avery wasn't invited to his birthday

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