Monday, January 14, 2008

Coles Notes On The NHL

Count Chocula AKA Roberto Luongo will not participate in the All-Star game. His wife is in her final stages of pregnancy and he wants to be with her. Nice to see that the Count has his priorities straight, after all, its only the All-Star game, and he is Roberto Luongo, he can do as he damn well pleases!

Dany Heatley
is out for 4-6 weeks with a separated shoulder, so its safe to say he's out of the All-Star game as well. Don't worry guys I will take very good care of Heater while he's down for the count ;)

On Saturday The Leafs blew a 2-0 lead, against the San Jose Sharks, all goals scored by the sharks were done in the THIRD period. I don't want to jump on the same wagon as the Toronto sports media because frankly, they piss even me off, but there's going to be some rearranging withing Leafs Inc. Although they'll probably be stupid about it and fire Paul Maurice (which will break my heart because he's like my dad!) and I also think firing JFJ will prove ineffective, because who plays the games? huh? It ain't Maurice and it ain't Ferguson Jr. I love how, with the exception of McCabe, the players remain virtually blameless within the press(no Don Cherry does not count)...bitch please! Some trading and acquiring needs to be done!

Mark Recchi gets his revenge! Ever since Penguins Inc. shit on Mark Recchi, he's been a man possessed, scoring left, right, and centre, calling out his old team in the media, ooo them be fighting words, Mark. And finally VINDICATION. In shoot outs, husband no. 5 misses and then comes Mark Recchi for the win! Cutting the Penguins 8 game winning streak. Recchi to the Penguins: better luck next time...BITCHES!

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