Monday, January 21, 2008


What were my boys, The Pens, going to do without our Lord and Savior, Sidney Crosby???

Merkk bitches, that's what!!!!!

and who led the pack, why Evgeni Malkin of course!!! Just like I predicted! AND the rest of the team stepped up their game tenfold, just like I predicted!

...and came up with a 2-0 win against the Montreal Canadiens.


Sabourin with his first game back, shut them out, HOT!

I love Crosby (as you may have guessed) but this injury thing, could be a blessing in disguise for the rest of the team, you know so that everyone can finally realize that there are other guys on the team.

Possibly? Maybe? Perhaps?

I'm just throwing that out there because whether we like it or not, Jesus is going to be out for a prolonged period of time, so why shouldn't the boys show that Crosby didn't get those bajillion points all by his lonesome (although theoretically he definitely could have)

To my Pens, who's going to show the world that Jesus is just the *icing on the cake!!!!!!

*icing made by a top chef, 3 inches deep, placed on top of, around, and in the middle of the cake, and incidentally the better part of the cake, because who the hell eats cake without icing???

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