Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Coles Notes On The NHL

John Ferguson Jr. has been axed, fired, dude's dunzo! Which of course we all saw coming for months. Rumours have been floating 'round the league of his termination since November...FUCKING NOVEMBER! In no other profession, hell no other hockey club would dare treat one of their own like that but this is Leafs Inc. where making money is priority #1, everything else, including Lord Stanley, is secondary...oh yea I went there! This is a club that's ruled from the board room, where old cronies' opinions trump the coach's strategy. Was JFJ a bad GM, maybe, did he deserve to be dragged through the shit everyday for nearly 4 months, absolutely not! Good luck to Leafs Inc. in getting a new GM, because we all know you're not getting any excellence awards from the Labour Board of Ontario anytime soon, if you catch my drift.

Sidney Crosby, the love of my life, husband no. 5, hockey's Lord and Savior, is out for 6-8 weeks, which means homeboy can't even dream about coming back until about March! And you know its killing him! Hockey is his life...no you don't understand, its his ~*life*~. There is nothing else for him, its hockey or hockey! He'll probably be creepy a good leader and go on the road with the team and give amazing half-time speeches, and cuddle with Colby Cheese. Maybe this will be a good time for him to explore other interests, in between physeio, like W.O.W., or knitting, or getting a new hair cut, or spending time with me, or men's fashion, you know something to broaden his horizons and take his mind off of the fact that HE AIN'T GOING TO PLAY ANYTIME SOON, PUTTING HIS TEAM'S CHANCES OF MAKING THE PLAYOFFS IN JEOPARDY!!!!!! but hey don't beat yourself up Crosby!

Last night it was The Capitals vs. The Penguins Ovechkin vs. Malkin, and Ovechkin was being a very bad boy, NO COOKIES FOR YOU! Anyways, the game was hella tight, yes it was a good game but what I meant was that when one team scored about a minute later the other team answered with their own goal, it was NUTZ! The game went into over time, which then went into shoot outs (Letang failed to score, boo, what's that all about?) and the Caps took the win. BUT my my, aren't my boys doing well without Jesus. He was in the stands to give moral support, however, my Pens have certainly risen to the occasion, non? They don't need the Messiah after all! (but they would certainly like to have him back and wish him a speedy recovery)

Mike Komisarek is a hot bitch!
He's American and he plays hockey, which means he didn't make the football team.

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