Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Ever since I was a kid I've kind have been into the whole sci-fi genre of movies. NO, I am not a trekkie who goes to conventions, or can quote lines on the drop of the hat, or own all versions of of the star wars saga (DVD, VHS, on tape, etc.). But truth be told I love that show Stargate: Atlantis, I think it poses a lot of ethical questions (SHUT UP, it totally does!), makes you question their decisions, where the wrong one could destroy an entire world, and yes I have a little crush on Col. John Shepperd . SO there you have it I love sc-fi, because it asks questions about our future, it tells stories about things that could very well happen in the future which brings me to my main point, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is kind of amazing!

I LOVE that show! Its insane! Its got time travel, cyborgs, and fuck do you need anything else? fucking cyborgs, WHAAAATTTTTTT? Plus it foretells the future, a future that could very well come to pass. Every Monday I stop watching hockey, so I can watch this show, its THAT good, NO LIE!

ok I'm done.

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