Monday, December 17, 2007

Your Pity Has No Use For Me

A Year in Review:


O RLY!!!! "I'm not a Lesbian! I'm Paulie in love with Torrie"

Bitch slapped!!! Lonely, my mum was my Valentine

Slowly broadening my horizons

Don't want school to end! Stressed! Lily Allen was my only friend that night!

False hope. Familiarity is comforting even if they are jackasses!

The glue that apparently holds us together gets on a plane

Spending quality paid time with people who are amazing in comparison to jackasses; no presents for me

Time ending with amazing people loneliness setting in very quickly, bitch slapped again!

New Beginnings! Er maybe not but hey school's starting! Slowly realizing what I've known all along

Final Decision! Revelations, awkward moments, second guessing...NO, that is my final answer! SEE YA!

History repeats itself! Its me against the world! Have barely though about it!

I'm kind of over you! Purging, for the last time! Good riddance 2007, you've brought me nothing but unhappiness! Oh 2008, where for art thou, why so far away!

I hate how so many great memories and experiences are now ruined, its hard to just look back and say "wow we had some good times" because it didn't end well, it didn't end well at all! Fucking hell, I never in a million years thought it would end like this, I guess I was expendable...whatever, they're not allowed in 2008!


Recycled Thoughts said...

ok so the idea of thinking about the past year by the months never occurred to me. but i am inspired to do so now, so thanks. and if you dont mind, may i copy you? your idea of course, not your answers. =)

Nicole said...

absolutely! I'm glad my emotional rant inspires. lol