Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shut up and smile 'cause you just cut into me

Mommy's tired...but realized she hasn't posted in a while, so here's one of those survey things. Apparently real blogger's don't post these, whatever, you elitist bastards! Kiss my ass!!!

Choose a band and answer only in song titles by that band

Maximo Park

Are you male or female: Girls who play guitars

Describe yourself: Postcard of a painting

How do some people feel about you: Once a glimpse

Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Isolation

Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Going missing

Describe your friends: Trial and error

Describe your family: Apply some pressure

Describe where you're at: The unshockable

Describe what you want to be: Parisian skies

Describe how you live: A Fortnight's time

Describe how you love: Kiss you better

One thing you want to say to someone: The coast is always changing

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