Friday, December 21, 2007

The Messiah's first fight and his nemesis rides a segway

So last night, husband no. 5, Sidney Crosby has his first official NHL exciting. Many people criticized Sidney, saying he was a puss, but looking back on all those times there was an almost-fight, either the refs stepped in before any blows were had or his team mates did the beating down or both. It wasn't like The Kid didn't want it, it was just that everyone was protecting the NHL's most valuable asset, Mr. Sidney Crosby...the whole diving issues is a whole other bag of potatoes.

don't you love how the commentators are getting hard ons for this?

I love Alexander Ovechkin...yes that's right! I love Alexander Ovechkin! There's this idea out there that if you love Crosby you have to hate Ovechkin or vice versa but why? They're completely different players, with completely different styles of play, personalities, wardrobes, and footwear! Why must it be one or the other? Why can't you love two extremely talented players? Must there always be a rivarly? The most common criticizim of Ovechkin is that he's arrogant...clearly there's a huge chunk of hockey fans that have no sense of humour or the sense to understand that he's totally out of touch of how the North American hockey media works(and I mean that in the nicest way possible, because honestly homeboy looks lost in about 95% of his interviews...don't worry Ovie! Americans, they're not funny, and they're not cool! The dudes that interview him are like the WHITEST PEOPLE ALIVE, oh you know of what I speak!).

Here's a clip doing the rounds on the internet, its of Alex and some other no-name dudes who nobody cares about, riding around on Segways touring Washington, DC. Alex is fucking NUTS and I love it! "girls where are you?" Again I say: I love Alexander Ovechkin!

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