Sunday, December 30, 2007

This is for y'all on the West side 'cause you know its the best side


Last night I missed the Leafs game because I was at the ballet (seeing the Nutcracker no less!) so to get my Hockey night in Canada fix, I watched the Calgary Flames roast the Anaheim Ducks (6-3, you know). I only watched the last 2 periods but apparently the Flames were getting a beat down in the first period but watching the 2nd and 3rd periods I would have never guessed.

Let's just say that in the last half of the game, them ducks were skewered and roasted! My brother kept on heckling Pronger and [Scott] Niedermayer from our living room and kept on trying to figure out why they hell I find Dion Phaneuf attractive (maybe its his ~*fierce*~ Citizen adverts). It was a pretty intense game, I'm not going to lie! And how good is Calgary???

I'm so glad they're changing the schedule next year, forget seeing Crosby, its a well known fact that the Western Conference is the better division, I wanna see some Joe Thornton, and Vesa Toskala's alter ego Markus Nasland! Rivalries schmivalries, share the wealth!!!!

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