Monday, December 31, 2007

Should all acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind

Dear 2007,

Its safe to say you've been the worst year of my life. In the grand scheme of things nothing terribly bad happened but in relation to the other years in my life you are by far the worst. Never have I ever felt so lonely, so unloved, so abandoned, so lost! The blame does not fall completely on to you, I do share some of the responsibility of this year sucking so much but I am glad you're over and done with! By the stroke of midnight you will just be a bad memory!

New beginnings start tonight, I'm actually going to get drunk with a good friend in a *gasp* pub, then go nuts on the streets of Toronto. 2008 is looking up indeed and although January 1st will be spent in my pajamas watching the Winter Classic with a hangover its a whole lot better than how I spent January 1st 2007 (and then subsequent months) ugh.

I'm so done with you 2007! And on your way out can you please go fuck yourself, thanks! Love ya!


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