Friday, December 07, 2007

Take That...HATERS

So my delinquent little brother, the Toronto Maple Leafs, won against the New York Rangers


I know! I know! Have they been eating their wheaties? Did Paul Maurice pull the French National Rugby team move, and say "NO SEX UNTIL YOU BITCHES WIN...well everyone except for Toskala" because really the leafs scored 6 goals, 6 FUCKING GOALS!!! 6 goals means that it wasn't just the goalie that was keeping them afloat, it was a *gasp* team effort!

Who knew?

But I've got a beef with Antropov, why were you all up in Marc's face for? huh? If you weren't the only one on the team who sort of plays you'd be on my blacklist right now but I'll let it slide this time but I'm watching you Mister!

And what of husband no. 5? Jesus vs Moses? The boy who went West? Well my boys the pens won...AGAIN!!! You don't know what joy this brings me! Sidney keeps proving to all the haters out there that he's an amazing captain setting up plays rather than making them, team first, Sidney second! That's how he rolls, BITCHES!!!! AND Jordan, why the fuck haven't you scored yet? WHY??? What's the deal homie?

I watched Hannibal Rising after the game and HOLY is Gaspard Ulliel ever SEXAY!!!! The fact that he looks bat shit crazy -- ugh the things I would do to that man you don't even know!

ANYWAYS, happy weekending!

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