Monday, December 10, 2007

How We Swept The West

My boys, the pens, won against Vancouver...and Calgary...and Winnipeg AKA they swept the West! Yes husband no. 5 led his team to victory!!!!!!!!!

...which I like totally predicted.

And while his Highness was fending off the media, El Pinguinos developed their game (and probably paid a visit to Cowboys and Cowboys.) and when I saw 'El Pinguinos developed their game' I mean Kris Letang was off the hook, son!

I was only able to watch one period of the Vancouver game because living in Toronto means a 3 hour time difference, and I'm sorry Sidney but I had to work in the morning (which turned out to be one of the worst days at work like EVER!) but my brother swears it was a good game...despite Sidney not scoring in shoot outs and Van city lovin' it! By the way, the Canucks went after Sidney HARD!!!! Listen guys, you don't need another Steve Moore-esque incident, especially one that involves his Highness, you'll be shut of the hockey world pun intended

is it too soon to talk about the Stever Moore hit?

With husband no. 5's trip out West brought a HUGE media circus, and ironically enough there were many-a-report on how homeboy has like zero privacy and how he has to eat his meals in his hotel room. I've talked about the creepiness of the media and Sidney before but what I heard on the show After Hours, broke my heart! He can't even go and watch his sister's hockey games because he becomes the centre of attention and no one pays attention to the game, and being the person he is, he's not comfortable with that, its his sister's time not his!

How sad is that? I mean if I saw homeboy on the street, I wouldn't maul him, begging him for his autograph, his number, or his sperm, I'd keep my distance, yea I'd stare because its Sidney 'Fucking' Crosby, but I'd keep my distance and be stealth about my staring, I can empathize with his situation and would just leave him be, which apparently A LOT of people don't believe in doing.

Can you imagine what happens when Sidney finds his other half? You think what happened to Janet Jones-Gretzky was bad(despite what may or may not be true about her, what happened was not fair)? Just wait till the future Mrs. Sidney Crosby appears on the scene, crucified is all I have to sad!

BUT THE PENGUINS SWEPT THE WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS JORDO! srsly bb, what the fuck, score dammit!!!

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