Thursday, November 22, 2007

They haunt the streets with their eyes full of hunger


What's up with the media being all creepy?

I get it, Sidney Crosby is the messiah, he's here to save hockey and change the way the game is played, he's a legend in the making, etc. etc. But the poor boy deserves some privacy! I know he's a public figure et al. but when you're taking recognizance-type photos of his Cole Harbour home, I think you've lost it!I'm not going to post the photo or give you a link to its image because frankly, I'm not going to encourage that kind of [psychotic] behavoir.

I know what you're thinking, there's the kettle calling the pot black but srsly my fangirling is done facetiously! And if you can't detect that well then you're kind of an idiot! I know that I'm never going to meet any of these people, I don't have stake in their lives nor do they have a stake in mine. I'm not going to dig deeper into their lives, whatever I see on television and in the newspapers, and some of the stuff I read on various blogs/websites (with a certain amount of discretion of course) is all I need to know about them. AND I'm definitely not going to stalk, and or take photos of their homes. I may muse about how curly their hair is, or disapprove of their footwear but there is a line that I just won't cross. And, yes, posting photos of a girl he may or may not have dated is definitely crossing that line, ladies!!!!!!

Ugh this is one of the main reasons I didn't want to jump on this train...

End Scene

On a side note:
His home is exactly what I expected it to be AKA nouveau...and that's where my creepiness ends.

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