Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Skating Bullets On Angel Dust

Taking a break from the whole Date/Marry/Kill series. I haven't decided if the Ottawa Senators warrants 1 or 2 more rounds, quite frankly I can't decide. Mainly because I'm having a hard time choosing which senators to send to the gallows. I mean I love them all, they're my boys, I'm still mourning the loss of Neil and Corvo (who REALLY needs a new hair stylist), sorry guys, I'm going to have to sleep on this one!

So Exams are coming up, one every week for the next 3 weeks, which of course means that my posting on here will remain constant if not increase...who needs a future when you can sit in your pajamas all day, on the computer, passing judgment on people you'll never meet?

Viva la internet!

So in the tradition of me Staaling (hee) and not studying, I've complied a list of songs that I just can't stop listening to, its been a while since a rock n roll post and I think its time!

I love the tiny veins on your back they remind me of the way that porcelain cracks

Parisian Skies by Maximo Park
Who is this man? Who is Paul Smith? Every song he writes, I get! I totally get it! That was me, that was totally me! I felt that; thought that; said that; lived that, or in some cases wished that happened to me. His break up songs are the best, no 'how am I supposed to live without you' shit but words that you'd actually formulate, say to your asshole ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. Parisian Skies is the last conversation you'd have with your ex-lover, still madly in love with them but knowing there's no other way, you have to end it *tear*
Favourite Line: "Oh Rebecca (or insert your ex-lover's name) your loss was mine too"

True Love Way by Kings of Leon
I'm obsessed with this song! You don't even know! As mention on a bajillion occasions Caleb is the man of my dreams, the main reason being he can write songs like True Love Way. This song is about real love, honest love, its hard, its messy, it hurts, but its pure, its the kind of love you look back on when your 80 years old sitting on your porch, you turn to your husband/wife and think "I wouldn't have it any other way". I love this song because Caleb is such an honest song writer, he puts all he's got into every song (AND every performance too) so much that I can't help but think he's singing it to me...NO I don't mean in a creepy fan girl kind of way, what I mean is that when you listen to this song, it seems so personal and pure, that it can't be for anybody else but you!
Favourite Line: "And I'm still crazy when I see your face" I know exactly what you mean Caleb *sigh*

Star Witness Neko Case:
The epitome of tragic summer love! If Margaret Atwood wrote romance novels, Star Witness would be the perfect story line! Everything you should be doing when you're 16, from a small town and in love with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks, kind of like the film noir version of Footloose but without the dancing. I love the dark imagery put along side the innocence of young love, Neko's voice pulls it off perfectly, when she drawls "please don't let him die" ugh! my heart it breaks!
Favourite Line: "And I would do anything to see you again" pass the Kleenex please!

Ceremony by New Order:
This song was played in Sofia Coppola's 'Marie Antoinette' and can I tell you how it was perfect! Romantic, frivolous, love, hate, anguish, luxury, joy,magical, all words one could use to describe both the movie and the song...the song of course being the better medium! No matter what's going on, I turn on Ceremony, and life is all of a sudden, a beautiful thing, now isn't that what music should be!
Favourite Line: "I'll break them down no mercy shown"

Wrecking Ball By Interpol:
This song is epic! A slow motion battle scene! Marching to your death! A rumble in your soul kind of tune. Completely depressing and yet entirely beautiful. Its the end of the 'Last of the Mohicans', only one of you left, you against the world, and you're going down fighting... motherfuckers!
Favourite Line: "Stay and Fight"

Famous Blue Raincoat by Leonard Cohen:
Leonard Cohen is a fucking genius and the only man I'd EVER let serenade me. I love how this song is a letter, no chorus, just a series of stanzas, telling a story, of a past affair, from what I gather he's describing a menage a trois and its aftermath. The pain of inviting a third party into your most intimate relationship and then one day they're gone. Can you imagine passionately loving someone you hate intensely? Your heart being pulled at every which way! The chaos, the confusion, the sex!!!! And when its all said and done, you're not who you used to be and your lover is unrecognizable, UGH what beautiful tragedy!
Favourite Line: The Entire Song!!!!!!!!!!

Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors by Editors:
I'm like 100% sure that this song is about ascension. Your soul being lifted up to heaven, not knowing who you are, half excited, half scared. Looking down at the world below getting smaller and smaller, you want a second chance but DUDE you're going to heaven!This song needs to be played full blast, all the windows turned down, and you driving at 100 km/hour, only then could you fully appreciate this masterpiece!
Favourite Line: "Say goodbye to everyone you have ever known you are not gonna see them ever again"

Kingdom by Dave Gahan:
LOVE this song! can't stop listening to it. Dave's voice has always moved my soul (a la Depeche Mode) but fuck this song is legendary. Conflicted and in pain, something that's been done by Gahan and Depeche Mode before but the boys always reinvent it. The gothic opera, the sick and twisted romance, it doesn't get any better than this. Kingdom is an open letter to the gods: srsly guys, what gives?
Favourite Line: "If there's a kingdom beyond it all is there a god who loves us all do we believe in love at all"

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