Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Date, Marry, Kill The Ottawa Senators Edition : Round 2

I'd date Brian McGrattan:

Yes, I would totally date Brian McGrattan!!! The enforcer, the resident tough guy; some might say McG is kind of a loose cannon but they don't know B-ri, like I do. His whole tough guy 'act'(for lack of a better term) comes from a comical place, he loves kicking ass because we love it and he feeds off of that, and seeing him merk bitches is SUCH a turn on! B-ri is totally the guy that gets too drunk at the pub, dances like an idiot, makes really bad jokes, maybe starts a fight or two, but he's more of a Blaster (a la Mad Max 3) than a Mike Meyers (a la Halloween). In other words there's a sense of childlikeness, like boys brawling in the school yard rather than psycho serial killer. You'd probably get mad at him for public drunkenness and acting like a colossal idiot in front of everybody, but his apology would be epic "baby, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! shhhh! I'm sorry!" then he'd envelope you, you'd stagger off to the taxi, and upon arrival of his nouveau barely lived in condo, you engage in passionate make up sex...ugh B-ri would be the hardest to break up with, while your moving your stuff out of his condo, he'd just sit there silent, staring at the wall :'(. Sorry Brian, you're just not husband material, I love you but we just can't be together*

I'd marry Mike Fisher:

AKA Hottie Townie! OMG FISH! If there ever was a perfect man, Fish would be it! He'd be a devoted husband, loving father, and would never stray *squee*!!!!!!!! Hell even Don Cherry has a man crush on him! I don't know what to say that's already been said before but a re-cap wouldn't hurt! Big, strong, manly, all words I'd use to describe Fish, whether its putting the swing set together for the kids, or scoring goals on the ice, there's not other like Mike Fisher. Do we even need to get into how hot he is...yea I think so too! His eyes pierce your soul, his smile makes you melt, AND he's got the body of a lumberjack, you'd never get cold in the winter that's for sure. But what really makes me want to be Mrs. Nicole Fisher, is that he'd only EVER have eyes for you and there's no greater turn on than fidelity. Mike Fisher the hottest man ever to drive a mini-van!

I'd kill Chris Neil:

Your pirate smile isn't as charming as Heater's and for this sole reason, I'm going to have to off you...sorry :(

* I put waaaaaaaaaaay too much thought into this one

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