Monday, November 19, 2007

Date, Marry, Kill The Ottawa Senators Edition : Round 1

There's waaay to much hotness on this team for me only to pick two dudes I'd like to boink, so this calls for 2 or 5 rounds of Date, Marry, Kill The Ottawa Senators!

I'd date Antoine Vermette:

It's like the law here that a girl from English Canada must, at least once in her lifetime, have a passionate, unadulterated affair with some French Canadian hotness, and Antoine Vermette is my quota! We'd flat iron our hair together, exchange tips on which hair serums work best, eat oka cheese, cheer on the habs, and have hot sex. There's no denying that Vermy is hot as they come, I mean his smile alone should get him into any chick's panties but he's too much of a pretty boy for me, so after the hot sex cools off and we're sitting in bed with nothing to say to each other I'd have to leave his pansy ass. Sorry Antoine its not you its me!

I'd marry Dany Heatley:

NATURALLY! If you've been a dedicated reader of this blog (which includes my sister, and some middle aged man from Wisconsin) then you TOTALLY saw this one coming! Dany, Dany, Dany! I don't even get it, and yet here we are. There is just something about Heater that makes me want to jump his bones and have wild crazy jungle sex. It could be his charming half smirk pirate smile, his crazy eyes, his 'fro, his 'chill' attitude, or his crazy ass hockey skills, or the fact that he's the NHL's answer to Caleb Followill, whatever it is it has me dreaming of our cabin in the mountains and hot sticky summer nights till the end of time. Dany + Nicole = Luv 4eva!!!

I'd kill Joe Corvo:

Nothing personal Joe, its just I really hate your hair cut!

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