Thursday, December 27, 2007

Best of 2007: Our Earthly Pleasures

Who: Maxïmo Park
What: Our Earthly Pleasures
Category: Music ---> Rock n' Roll
Why: And I thought 'A Certain Trigger' was good??? Maxïmo Park once again delivers...and holy shit is it ever good! This band is so good that I'm reduced to just grunting and groaning at explaining how fucking brilliant they are! Our Earthly Pleasures is just, ugh, so fucking amazing! I would describe Maxïmo Park as the Brit Rock version of Leonard Cohen because every song is a story, no formula (i.e. verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus-the end), just stories of past loves and loves lost! Methinks this is Paul Smith's break-up album(which are the best kinds of albums!) but its not depressing, or self-loathing, or angry, it has songs you could get mad crunk to, songs to cry to, songs to break your heart, songs to rock out to, and songs to fall in love with. This album, is fucking brilliant, you need this album! And what I appreciate most about Maxïmo Park's music is that you can always break out into dance!
Girls Who Play Guitars, Parisian Skies, Books from Boxes, Karaoke Plays, Russian Literature, The Unshockable
Personal Stories: I saw them live, the venue was tiny and I was right in front of Paul and Lukas, and fuck that was THE best concert I've ever been to, NO LIE! And HOLY can Paul Smith dance! He grooves, he busts every move imaginable, and he leaps 6ft in the air...he also sweats a whole lot but the point is, Maxïmo Park is EPIC live, and have made me a life time fan because of it!
Quotes that are worth quoting:
"The path, of excess, just led, to boredom You've lived, your life, with your mouth, wide open" From Girls Who Play Guitars
"People are judged on their mistakes, and how much money that they make. No-one wants to lose their youth,In a trench like this." From Your Urge

"Your loss is mine too" "All of the tiny events in your back, It reminds me of the way that porcelain cracks." From Parisian Skies

"I touched the place where your hair had been. I pulled on the shirt that you left round mine." "I'm just passing my time with you on my mind. I'm just wasting my precious time. I'm just wasting my time with you on my mind" From By The Monument

"We never did want the dawn to break, decided from the sheets in which we laid. You know I changed my ways forever. The North Sea crashes through your dreams as I leave" From Karaoke Plays

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