Thursday, December 27, 2007

Best of 2007: Dexter Season Two

Who: Dexter (AKA The Bay Harbor Butcher), Deb, Angel, Doakes, Rita, Agt. Lundy, Lilia Laguerta, and of course Harry Morgan
What: Dexter
Category: [Cable] Television
Why: Have you seen this show? No srsly have you seen this show! Particularly this season, because every single episode was pure genius! Last season was all about getting to know Dexter; who was this guy who enacts vigilante justice on the streets of Miami, why is he like this, was he bad or good. This season, however, was all about catching Dexter, the kicker of course being, Dexter, working for the Miami PD, was essentially trying to help catch himself while trying to evade the FBI at the same time. Every episode, was edge of your seat "holy shit what's going to happen next" goodness, it doesn't get any better than this! The ending of this season broke my heart because, ugh, Daokes...err sorry no spoilers here. This season was ACE, rent it, NO, buy it! It's fucking brilliant, trust me!
I'm not trying to be lazy here but in all honesty, THE ENTIRE SEASON!
Personal Stories: I've converted one of my good friends into a Dexter fan

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