Thursday, December 13, 2007

Best of 2007: Flight of the Conchords

Who: Bret, Jemaine, Murray, and Mel
What: Flight of the Conchords
Category: [Cable] Television
Why: Who knew such a simple concept could bring on so many laughs
Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros, David Bowie appearing to Bret in a dream, they boys trying acid, inner city pressure, the boys overcoming racisim, Bret's angry dance AND the best Lord of the Rings Tribute, like EVER!
Personal Stories: Um nothing major, just laughing my ass off every Monday night and youtubing the songs every other day
Quotes that are worth quoting:
-"I want to tell her how hot she is, but she'll think I'm being sexist. She's so hot she's making me sexist. Bitch" -- from She's so hot

-"Love is like a roll of tape. It's real good for making two things one. But just like that roll of tape love sometimes breaks off before you were done" -- from Sello tape

-You don't measure up to the expectation. When you're unemployed there's no vacation,
no one cares, no one sympathizes You just stay home and play synthesizers. -- from Inner city pressure

Bring on the Lulz:

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