Thursday, December 13, 2007

What [Should Be] On My IPod: Jordan Staal

Upon discovering Jordan Staal's musical taste, I decided to put a little twist on this thing, and change it to "What SHOULD be on my Ipod', because Jordo listens to Keith Urban. Yes Keith Urban...I know, how embarrassing! I wasn't expecting him to be a huge fan of the Shins or anything, I mean he's a hockey player...from Thunder Bay for fuck's sake, but Keith Urban??? If we're going to listen to country music, it better be Johnny Cash or Townes Van Zant!

So here's a list there will change your life Jordo or at the very least get you more pootang because what girl doesn't like the deep sensitive artsy guy...especially one with your physique.

1)Interpol- Pioneer to the Falls
This song is pretty, dark, deep, and I'm not sure what its about but picture this Jordo: Parked in your SUV on a hill overlooking Pittsburgh, the lights of Steele town glistening, its cold out, Adriana Lima sitting in the passenger seat next to you, not knowing exactly how to proceed because apparently she's a virgin (BULLSHIT!) but she's giving you her famous bedroom eyes, what do you do??? You play the 'sensitive no one understands me, there's so much pressure on me' card(tell your Captain he can use this tactic as well) turn on "Pioneer to the Falls", Paul Banks apathetic voice along with the haunting rifts, and you're in dude, YOU'RE SO IN!

2)Johnny Cash- Walk the Line
This is a classic song, you have this on your ipod and it proves that you have great taste in music...besides the sluts who like to think they're cowgirls will think you're like so totally deep!

3)Regina Spektor- Samson
Play this song when you're about to do the nasty with a girl for the first time. This song is perfect. It's love. This song along with incense and candles that girl doesn't have a chance in hell!

4)Matthew Good Band- The Rat Who Would Be King
CAN CON!!!!!!!!!!!!! If this song doesn't break your heart Jordo, well then I have no idea what will! We girls can't resist a tortured soul, Sell it J. Staal and sell it hard!

5)The Arcade Fire- Neighborhood # 3 (power out)
This is how we music nerds get revved up. Listen to this song right before a game and I will guarantee you will score 5 goals and cure AIDS all in the same night...hey I believe in you, Jordo!

6)Leonard Cohen- Chelsea Hotel
"giving me head on the unmade bed" UM it doesn't get any more badass than that! L. Cohen has gotten more pootang than you ever will! Why? because he's a dream boat AND he's a fucking poet/artist/musician! Listen to him and you may come close...'may' being the operative word here!

7)The Fratellis- Flathead

Yes the song from the ipod commercial but you need a song to get lairy to and hey this is it! Rock out with your co -- err, you know when you and Colby Cheese get drunk and get into all kinds of mischief!

8)Mason Jennings- Godless

This song is AMAZING!!!!!!! I know you'll love it! Listen to this when you're so pissed off that you decide to drink your problems away like when I tell you I'm leaving you're ass for Sidney Crosby you'll go loco esse...but in that good therapeutic way!

9)U2- Where the streets have no name
Who doesn't like U2? C'mon now!

10)Radiohead- Street Spirit (fade out)

You need a song to sulk to and this is the best of the best! Besides you like Radiohead, that means you're cool, and everybody loves the cool kids! Especially girls, we all want to have a cool boyfriend!

Keith who?

PS good luck tonight, you'll need it! You're facing hottie townie and Husband no. 4 AKA Heater, don't piss your pants now, Jordo...and score please!

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