Friday, November 30, 2007

Spending Saturday Night With My Boys

Saturday night my boys, the Pens are playing my delinquent little brother, the Toronto Maple Leafs, or as I like to think of it in my perverted mind: Sidney Crosby, Jordan Staal and Adam Hall vs. Vesa Toskala, Nik Antropov, and Mark Bell in a naked wrestling match! Lather up boys!

....I'm such a perv, I should have been born a guy!

back to regular programming...

I don't think I need to tell you who I want to win; would you rather spend an evening cutting bubble gum out of your hair or making out with your boyfriend on the couch and possibly letting him get to second base.

...yea, being a skank always wins out!

I love it when husband no. 5 comes to town, all the sports journalists loose their shit! Some talk trash but most praise Sidney;pining over him, wishing he played for Toronto...Whoa guys, Sidney doesn't deserve such a fate!

BUT what will I do when Sidney gets a break away and takes a shot on Vesa??? my heart it aches! Husband no. 5 vs. Finnish CUUUTE-ness, what will happen?

I'm not going to lie Vesa's hot right now...I mean that he's "doing all these crazy moves" to quote Alex Ovechkin, but honey buns starts off strong and then fades out...probably due to the fact that he's the only one on the team who actually plays...Yea I went there! Bring it Sundin, I can take your bald ass anyday!

And what about husband no. 5, with a slow start to the season him and the pens are picking up! Kind of like a hurricane; starts off small, almost non-threatening and before you know it its ripping the roof off of your house! They're a good team, with amazing players! Methinks my delinquent little brother is not going to take this, sorry Vesa :'(

I'm also excited for my favourite Staal brother being in town, I'm still convinced we'd totally be bff! We'd totally beat Ryan Whitney at a burbling contest and drink Colby Cheese under the table!

Me + Jordan Staal = badass homies for life!

...I love how Colby Armstrong's name is pure cheese, as in Colby is a type of cheese and Armstrong is a cheese company. teehee, me and Jordan would never let him forget it either... *sigh*but alas 'twas not meant to be.

Alright boys, its time to beat up my delinquent little brother, rough him up a bit, so he stops leaving stink bombs in my closet, let the alpha male-ing begin!

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