Thursday, November 29, 2007

Da Hillz izzz LyKE totally reel,k?

That title makes my brain hurt, once back in high school this girl sent me an entire e-mail Typed LyKE DiS CUz ShE WUz 2 KwEL, K! Holy fuck! I swear I lost IQ points trying to figure out what the hell she was trying to say!

Anyways, The reality show the Hills, you know it? Of course you know it, its like everybody's guilty pleasure; from jaded rock stars to middle aged lawyers, everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY watches this show! We all know its fake and we could care this, this show so superficial and so stupid, but its so fun to watch! Idiotic rich white kids making asses of themselves, what's not to love! Plus I have this hair fetish and I can't get over how perfect Lauren's (main character)hair always is, ugh bitch what do you do? what do you use? TELL ME!!!

Here's a parody of the show, staring James Franco and Mila Kunis (whom I have a huge girl crush on, 'cause damn she's hot!), and its pretty hilarous, I'm not going to lie, anyways enjoy the Epic drama that is: Audrina and Justin Bobby

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