Friday, November 16, 2007

The Drought is OVER!!!!!!!!

My boys, the Pens, finally won a game! They beat Mike Comire and the Islanders, 3-2.

Yea Mike and I used to date way back in 2001, it was pretty serious you know! I wrote Nicole Comrie all over my notebooks, and would clip out all his pictures from the news paper, and in 8th period I would go down to the computer lab and stare at his picture on NHLPA, would decide what I would do with his compensation money, a yatch? 14 Herems bags? A house on the bridlepath? All of the above? But then I met Orlando Bloom and I broke it off with Mike. He seemed to take it pretty hard because he fell of the face of the earth for a while. Now he's dating Hilary Duff (who seems to have the same taste in douche bags as my 14 year old self ie Mike Comrie, Joel Madden, a dark period in my life, I know!) and now I'm banging everyone from Paul Newman circa 1980 to Caleb Followill! But still it feels good when husband no. 5 kicks the ex-boyfriend's ass!

ANYWAYS the loosing streak is over! ALL IS RIGHT IN THE WORLD !!! Things are looking up for husband no. 5 and the pens!!!!

Can you feel the love tonight?

Speaking of husband no. 5, wasn't it too cute that Sidney was more excited over Laraque's goal than he was???? Tnawwww, such a good Captain! I loved it when he jumped into his arms and they embraced for 2 full minutes (ok clearly I'm embellishing), my cold black heart melted!

I love Laraque, he has such a nice face and that voice, UGH, he can recite poetry to me anytime! And have you heard his laugh and the way he scrunches up his face, OH GEORGES! He'd totally be the guy to push you out of the way of a moving bus and on the 6 o'clock news with the headline 'hometown hero' he'd modestly say "I'm no hero! Just doing my part" but you are a hero Georges, you are!

Better watch out Crosby, Laraque could possibly usurp your throne and become husband no. 6! Send me 10 boxes of Doritios and I'll consider cementing your spot, but I dunno Laraque's smile...dude, I even you love him.

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