Friday, November 16, 2007

The Friday Five

Stolen from a random entry on livejournal's Friday Five

1. What was the most sick that you've ever been?
I had a viral infection back when I was 13. I missed 29 days of school, it was kind of sweet I'm not going to lie!
2. What disease are you afraid of getting?
Ebola, mostly the bleeding from every orphus part. PS its not an airborne disease despite popular belief
3. Are you a big baby when it comes to taking medicine/shots for your illnesses?
No, I usually don't medicate, I get over the illness in about the same amount of time if I were to take medicine, so why ruin my liver when my immune system is just as good
4. Is going to the doctor really THAT bad?
I wouldn't know, I haven't been in 4 years
5. Would you have the flu twice a month if you were paid $1,000 for having it?
Yea! The flu isn't that bad! toughen up you pansies!

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