Sunday, November 18, 2007


Dear Ottawa Senators,

Hey guys, its me Nicole! So um I think that you guys sort of forgot that there was a game on yesterday. I mean I saw a bunch of guys that looked EXACTLY like you but there's no way that you played last night, NO FREAKING WAY. First of all it was hella boring to watch, I put off writing my essay for that snooze fest? Pfffttt! Secondly and most importantly the Toronto Maple Leafs won...against you...the unstoppable Ottawa Senators...3-0!

So the only logical explanation I can come up with for this loss is that Ray Emery peer pressured you all in to to partying it up with him and Snopp Dogg in Vegas, because homeboy was bitter that he wasn't starting tonight and for some reason y'all thought this was a brilliant plan and followed Emery like the children followed the pied piper. So you guys just suited up some dudes from your farm team with your respective names on the jerseys, and followed Snopp and Emery to the Sodom and Gomorrah of modern times (that one's for you Fisher *wink*) to make bad decisions with each other!

...yea that's it! That's exactly what happened! I hope you're enjoying your hang over boys!


PS you forgot to take Wade Redden with you, tsk! tsk!

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