Kelly Brook is a woman who knows what's she's doing. After their break-up, Danny Cipriani was pissed drunk and banging our mascot Lindsay Lohan in LA, and Kelly was looking hot and happily promoting Piranha 3D all over the globe. She knows what's up.
And in another fantastic move, Kelly has moved on to another rugby player (well I guess he's an ex-rugby player now) Thom Evans, who even though was forced into retirement due to injury, still has more respect from the game than Cipriani does. AND Evans and Cipriani used to be teammates. Game-Set-Match. Kelly is good!
Personally Thom doesn't do anything for me, he used to be in a boy band, I just- I can't- but objectively he's hot, and an upgrade from Cipriani!
What concerns me though is the degrees of separation going on, I'll explain:
-Kelly is dating Thom who is good friends with James Haskell (why?)
-Kelly is also good friends with Chardonnay who's dating Carnie,
-Carnie is teammates with Tommy Bowe.
What I'm getting at here is that socially Carnie and Tommy Bowe are 4 and 5 degrees away from James Haskell, respectively...
Like if they were at a party, what would they talk about? Would they get along? Would they become facebook friends? Would they mean girl Tom Croft because he's kind of a noob? James Haskell, I can see your evil plan from here!
The conspiracy continues...
Haskell's evil plan!
I KNOW!!!!!!!! I was just about to make a post about this!
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