Friday, May 28, 2010

Since the Stanely Cup Finals Suck...

Tomorrow is the Guinness Premiership and Magners League finals. Its Leicester Tigers v Saracens; and Leinster v Ospreys and everything's coming to a very dramatic conclusion The media hype machine is well under way. Who will win? What will be the score? Will there be tears? Will there be glory?

Clearly I would like the Tigers and the Ospreys to win just because I feel like both teams deserve it more, independent of any fangirling, okay?

In preparation of the epicness that will surely go down tomorrow:

ALUN WYN JONES DID AN INTERVIEW Mike Phillips was there too



and I'm not sure how I feel about the plaid shorts...

more at the source that we all have the same desktop background, good night and good luck to the boys!


Sabrina said...

Just wanted to say to you that I stumbled upon your blog one day and I've kept coming back ever since: I enjoy reading your posts every once in a while!
And we share two passions: rugby, & Tommy Bowe!!

Nicole said...

Aw Thanks Sabrina! Rugby & Tommy Bowe, is there anything better?

BansheeAnnie said...

I actually like the plaid, but I think he needed to lose the shirt. I know it's for the Magners league, but the ball should be enough. Bare chest and bare feet with the plaid would be perfect in my book!

Nicole said...

Annie why aren't you running the world?