Friday, June 04, 2010

Andy Powell Knows His Alphabet, Has Never Heard of Harry Potter

We all know who could lend their ipod to Powell to get him caught up *cough* I was completely unaware that this show was still going on. I guess this is what happens when my tv watching consists of Hockey Night in Canada and HBO. Our boyfriend on the rocks, Jamie Roberts, won...of course! You don't get to med school on May-December romances alone! Oh and ladies Andy Powell is apparently single, I mean I would if he never spoke and put a bag over his head but some people would call that mean and controlling, whatever! Any one else have the inkling that Josh Lewsey is a giant prick, he certainly gives off that vibe. Oh and how adorable is Lee Mears?

I'll post a giant picture post of the Magners League and Guinness premiership finals probably sometime next week. I know I'm SO behind but I've been super busy :(

Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final tonight and since my arm has been twisted I've decided I want the Blackhawks to win because their captain Johnathan Toews is the quintessential Canadian Boy. Have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

frenchy said...

Love your blog. Eye candy and hilarity in one convenient package.