Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear John....

Last night I saw the movie Dear John, and I quite liked it! It's hard not to like a movie with a man like that in it! I think it's more than fair to say that Channing Tatum is a fine hunk of a man (except when he has a beard) I would also like say that Amanda Seyfried REALLY hot!

So, yeah I would say it's a pretty good movie, although it can be fairly soppy at times, with all the hugging and forehead kissing (nothing against any of these, infact we need more of it in real life, but don't fill a whole movie with it please) The one thing that really stood out was the imagery (I sound like an English teacher) it was mostly set on a beach so it is indeed very beautiful, I think it was filmed in northern Ireland. If your the emotional type, you WILL cry, alot. I have a friend who cried six times in total! Another one of my friends said that when she read the book she cried at nearly every chapter (at this point your probably wondering what kind if friends I have) Apperently the book is waaaaaaay different to the movie, I'm planning on reading the book, so I'll fill you in when I finish it, if I don't drown in my own tears that is.

Ive been planning on seeing this for a while, this was largely down to the song they used on the advert, Set Fire to the Third Bar by Snow Patrol and Martha Wainwright. This song is one of my favourite songs EVER, if not my favourite. Martha Wainwrights voice is absolutely haunting and Gary Lightbody's lyrics are as beautiful as ever! If you haven't heard this song, you NEED to hear it, because I can't explain without sounding extremely soppy.

Once again, I'm sorry for the lack of pictures, links, videos etc. but my laptop is still broken BUT it will be fixed in soon, promise!

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