Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Second Hand Embarrassment Alert!

I get it. Okay. I totally get it. When you fancy someone 'real' or famous or when you're a fan of something or someone, its only natural that you would want to know as much as you can about that person/thing. Myself, I love sharks! I think they're amazing, and pretty much every chance I get I watch that Planet Earth clip where the shark merks that seal or I troll on National Geographic's website for any new shark material. I know that's a really dorky example but I'm sure we can all relate. Honestly, how many guys do you know, know the stats of a certain athlete, and what he eats for breakfast or how much he can bench press. So to a certain extent we all participate in one or many fandoms.

However, with my various fandoms, I am never all that serious about them. As in my room is not wall papered with Rick Nash's face (no, I'm not lying I swear), I have never actually written any fanmail to anyone (I did tweet Alun Wyn Jones once...he didn't respond), my fandoms remain for the most part, superficial, internet, banter. And I have fun with it and some of you have fun with it, because what's better than coming home after a 9 hour shift and looking at pictures of Jordon Staal's silky blonde hair? Nothing, right?

But I would never, EVER be so bold, so brazen, so shameless, to ask Brian O'Driscoll if Tommy Bowe is single:

Okay I admit, my screen capping of this might be a tad creepy, but its in the spirit of transparency and exposing the ridiculousness of people, so I think I get a pass. He must have got a lot of 'is Tommy Bowe single' questions, if he addressed this. Personally, I wouldn't have said anything, amateur move O'Driscoll, but I am so embarrassed for whoever asked, because why? What difference does it make? Why invade his personal life that much? WHY?

Some of you might be thinking 'but Nicole this blog, isn't it about crazy fandoms', yes , yes it is but its all in good fun, its nothing serious, I have a life beyond the short shorts and skin tight underarmour that is popular on this blog. Contrary to popular belief, I have no illusions! I know I won't ever get to take Tom Croft shopping and make him buy a Tom Ford suit. I know I won't ever get to convince Sidney Crosby to stop having his mum cut his hair. If they have girlfriends that's cool and I can admit there would be a curiosity to see who she is but I would never actively search for it nor ask one of their teammates who she is, if he's single, what his credit score is, etc.

I'm so embarrassed for them. Do they not realize that BOD now thinks they're psychos? Did it never occur to them that over dinner BOD with is iphone (or whatever he uses) will lean over and say to Tommy Bowe: "Dude check out this psycho tweet this chick sent me about you. Restraining order dude, restraining order" clearly not in those words, because those are not their colloquialisms, but you get it.

What I really want to know is, where's the shame? Or am I the only one who thinks this is totally offside and creepy?

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